Saturday, September 27, 2008

Childbirth Class

Today we had a 6 1/2 hour childbirth class. The teacher was great & we learned a lot. We also took a tour of labor & delivery. The rooms are really nice & 94% of the time you will get your own room. If they have tons of women give birth at the same time then I will have to share a room. I hope that doesn't happen since I don't want anyone to hear me cry!!! The hospital delivers about 350 babies a month!!! We are really happy with the hospital. There were tons of couples in our class today & all the men cringed when we had to watch the birth movie. We had to watch a bunch of videos today & when ever we did they would turn out the lights. About 5 hours into the class we watched a video & when the lights went back on Larry was asleep! but so were half of the other men. The teacher/midwife said that if the men try to sleep in the delivery room they will wake them up!!! We had about 50 couples in our class & at the beginning the teacher asked how many wanted a natural childbirth & 3 girls raised their the end of class they were asking questions about pain medication! I am all for the pain meds!

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