Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Our road trip to Colorado

We left home on Sunday & headed to Colorado. It was a 9 hour trip to Denver on 1 road the entire time (through) Kansas. Corn fields & miles & miles of nothing. We actually went 3 1/2 hours without seeing a gas station!We stayed over night in Denver at a hotel with Larry's brother Bill. The next day we picked up Larry's Mom, his brother Pat, & his wife Kelly & drove 3 1/2 hours to Steamboat Springs. It was a beautiful drive. This place is awesome! There is so much to do & NO humidity. We are staying in a cool resort with 3 pools, hot tubs, game rooms, BBQ areas, etc. So far we drove out to look at the hot springs, & hiked to a waterfall. Today Larry surprised me. The family watched Skylar so Larry & I could do something on my bucket list...we went in a hot air balloon & it was so great!!!! As soon as we took off we saw a deer in a stream! We also saw a naked man on his balcony.Well gotta go have more fun but I will post pictures soon.

1 comment:

The Chronicles said...

Post pics of the naked man on his balcony?? ;-) Just kidding. Glad you're having fun!!! Think how many states Skylar has been to (or through) now! Ben has only been to VA and NC, and Nate's never left VA!