Wednesday, July 14, 2010

18 month checkup

Today Skylar had her 18 month checkup ( she is 18 1/2 months old) She weighed 25.1 lbs & is 33 inches long. The Dr. said she is looking good. After her checkup we had to go to the lab for her wheat allergy test. I had no idea they were going to draw her blood like a grown up! It was horrible. She screamed her head off as they tried several times to get blood & couldn't find a vein. The lady asked me to come back another day. I told her I would be back when she's older & did not want to put her through that again. Then when she stopped crying we still had to get her immunizations. They did it really quickly but she saw it coming & screamed. The whole day broke my heart. After her shots I put her in the stroller & walked out to the car. When I went to put her in her seat she handed me both band aids that she had removed herself! I gave her a cup of milk, her stuffed pig & put in a movie for the ride home. She took a nice nap & woke up a happy little girl.

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