Saturday, June 21, 2008

August 15th is the big day!

Hi everybody,
Larry is away for a few weeks. I miss him but I am keeping busy. Yesterday I went to the Dr. & they booked my official ultra sound. It will be August 15th!!! The day before our Myrtle Beach family reunion/vacation. If all goes well & the baby turns the right way, we will know the sex of the baby!! Larry was out on the ship & he has missed my 1st 3 appointments, but he won't miss that one! He is still hoping for a boy. The Dr. told me yesterday that for some reason Navy Pilots & Navy Seals all tend to have girls (unless they are on a non-flying tour...which Larry is!) I thought that was pretty interesting. The suspense is killing me!!! So...what does everyone think we will have? a boy or a girl?


The Chronicles said...

We are so happy for you guys!! You will be awesome parents (yeah, you too, Larry!) When is your due date? Our second one is due October 7.

Jennifer said...

I think it is a girl. The navy does seem to have girls first:) I guess that you will have to go for another just in case.